Monday, September 5, 2011

Runaway Train

The graph below shows that, per capita, North America emits far more CO2 than any other region in the world:

Why is this?  Brian Czech, author of Shoveling Fuel for a Runaway Train, would probably say it is due to Americans being conditioned to always push for growth with little regard for consequence.  Czech believes that, while growth was good for the United States for a long time, the lack of resources remaining on Earth makes it necessary to switch the nations goal from growth to sustaining.  This is a foreign concept for most Americans who are used to the theory that all growth is good.  As a result, Americans use more resources and emit more greenhouse gases to the atmosphere on their way to accomplishing continuous economic growth.  According to Czech, one day, the world will run out of resources and the pursuit of growth for growth's sake only brings this day closer.  Czech compares the United States to a runaway train, speeding out of control, burning resources, building debt, and emitting greenhouse gases.  The reason that the rest of the world does not emit as much per capita is because the world either does not share this mindset with America or just has not progressed quite as far yet.


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